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Explore Innovative Projects

The Robotics Innovation Fest (RIF 2024) is a robotics and innovation festival by STEAM Robotics Academy that promotes scientific outreach and technological innovation, integrating activities such as project exhibitions, keynote lectures, demonstrations, and robotics competitions.

¿Why You Should Join
RIF 2024?

Hands-on Learning and Skill Development
RIF offers a unique platform for learning through robotics competitions, where participants can enhance multidisciplinary skills across science, engineering, and technology. It also fosters critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities, essential for future innovation.
Inspiring STEAM Education
As a core advocate for STEAM education, RIF integrates Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics in exciting and practical ways. This helps participants apply theoretical knowledge to real-world challenges, preparing them for careers in emerging fields.
Innovation Culture and Future-readiness
RIF, hosted by STEAM Robotics Academy, aims to inspire a culture of innovation and equip young people with the skills to meet the demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It’s an ideal opportunity to engage with cutting-edge technology and gain insights from experts in the field.

Get the best experience in the world of robotics

Where top leaders in robotics and innovation will gather to shape the future of educational technology!


7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m
Guest reception and badge distribution.
7:30 a.m. - 7:45 a.m.
Inauguration and Welcome
Opening remarks and welcome message.
7:45 a.m. – 9:00 a.m
Project Exhibitions
Project stands featuring robotics students' top projects. Robot demonstrations and technological exhibits.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m
Preparation for Line-following and Maze Competitions
Teams prepare their robots for challenges, fine-tuning settings and making final adjustments
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m
Attendees have the option to attend two insightful conferences covering advancements in robotics
10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m
Coffee Break
A brief pause to recharge with refreshments, network informally, and exchange ideas
10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m
Competition and Evaluation
Teams put their robots to the test in live competitions, showcasing their problem-solving and technical skills
11:15 a.m. - 11:35 a.m
Scholarship Award Ceremony
Introduction of scholarship recipients and awards. Remarks from a scholarship recipient.
11:35 a.m. – 12:00 p.m
Competition Awards and Participation Certificates
Competition and standout awards, such as "Future Engineers", "Innovation" and "Sustainability
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m
Robotics Club Graduation
A heartfelt graduation ceremony for the Robotics Club, honoring the dedication and accomplishments


Countdown RIF 2024. Register Now

Our Amazing & learned
event Speakrs

Manuel Cardona
CEO, SARA Robotics
Mark Antony
CEO, Mindstation
Jonathon Miller
CEO, Mindstation
Jimmy Heathway
CEO, Mindstation
Tyson Gardner
CEO, Mindstation
Mellissa Brayan
CEO, Mindstation








RIF 2024 Tickets

Last year, RIF was proudly held within the 4th Latin American Congress on Automation and Robotics, showcasing innovative projects and advancements in robotics and automation. This year, we continue the tradition with even more exciting events and learning opportunities for participants from around the globe

STEAM Robotics Members
For one Person Ticket
  • Regular Seating
  • Access to exhibition
  • Access to conferences
  • Take part of the Competition
  • Coffee break
STEAM Robotics non Members
For one Person Ticket
  • Regular Seating
  • Access to exhibition
  • Access to conferences
  • Watch the competition
  • Coffee Break
For one Person Ticket
  • Regular Seating
  • Access to exhibition
  • Access to conferences
  • Watch the conpetition
  • Coffee Break

Partners who
collaborate with us

Do You Have any questions about the event?

Discussing the best techniques for branding to deep dive into consumers mind.

Can I return my ticket before the event start?
Like previous year this year we are arranging world marketing summit 2024. Its the gathering of all the big and amazing marketing & branding minds from all over the world.
When is the conference taking place?
Like previous year this year we are arranging world marketing summit 2024. Its the gathering of all the big and amazing marketing & branding minds from all over the world.
What is the cost to attend the conference?
Like previous year this year we are arranging world marketing summit 2024. Its the gathering of all the big and amazing marketing & branding minds from all over the world.
What topics will be covered at the conference?
Like previous year this year we are arranging world marketing summit 2024. Its the gathering of all the big and amazing marketing & branding minds from all over the world.

Why You Should Join
The Event ?

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